Plan the perfect spring break vacation

A lot of people are still in the dead of winter. But you’ll be surprised at how quickly spring break is going to sneak up on you. If yours falls at the beginning of April, you only have about six weeks to plan something.. If yours is in March, you have less time than that.

  • The first thing that you will want to do is to sit down as a family to discuss what you would like to do. And yes, you would be wise to get your older children’s input, especially your teenagers who can be so vocal about being bored all the time. I’m sorry parents, but going somewhere strictly educational is not going to be your children’s idea of fun most of the time. This is their break from school. Please try to remember that they’re in need of a break too.
  • After you get some ideas of what you want to do on your vacation, please contact me. I would love to help you put something together. I will make money whenever you’ll book through me. I will not charge you anything over and above that. I will need to know your available dates. I will also need to know what you want to do on your trip? Is there a specific place you want to go?
  • Going on and nailing some things down is not only going to give you peace of mind. It will also ensure that you go exactly where you want to. Spring break is more spread out than Christmas vacation is. But it will still help to book early. It might also save you some money.
  • It is no fun to come home knowing that you are going to have to pay off this trip over the next few months figure out what you can spend on your vacation and then stay within your means.
  • The more you can get things planned out now, the more you’ll be able to know how much money you will be spending. You can even do this with the meals you plan to eat.

I would love to know your thoughts or any questions you might have.

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